Take a deeper dive into my life in Cancale (and in general).

My Work
I’m not very good at these self-promotional blurbs or biographies, but here goes:
Before I decided to fly solo, freelance, and start teaching cooking, I was the food editor for Vegetarian Times magazine, which means a lot of my articles and recipes can be still be found (uncredited) on their website. I have also edited cookbooks for VT, including The Plant-Powered Protein Cookbook and Everything Vegan . My online cooking classes are still available (but a little dated). I am also an experienced translator and interpreter (everything from culinary websites and documentaries to scholarly articles on dairy science…with fiber optic installation manuals luxury beauty websites in between). And I’m currently working on a way to reissue my own little cookbook in French, Le Tour de Bretagne in 80 desserts.

My Home
At first, I was reticent to teach cooking classes from my home because, “I didn’t want the kitchen to take over the whole house.” Then one day, I looked around and realized it already had. The planters in front are filled with herbs (and only herbs…I can’t be bothered to care for ornamentals), there are vegetables fermenting next to the washing machine (in the coolest part of the house), and cookbooks have made their way into every room. If you want a tour of what’s where and why it’s special, click here.
My Favorite Things
Where to go, where to stay, what to do, what to eat…I’ve got loads of recommendations to share for Cancale and Brittany. I will leave the tour guides and the restaurant reviews to the pros, though, and instead focus on the things I especially love…like visiting the Mont-Saint-Michel on a winter’s night.

In Search of Lost France
When I first arrived in France, I fell in love with a way of life that can only be described as “French.” Much of that “belle vie” is fast disappearing in an increasingly modernized, sanitized, homogenized world. But you can still catch glimpses of it, ant like Proust’s madeleine, those glimpses transcend time.