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Herbes de Provence

In France, I swear by Ducros, the supermarket brand of herbes de Provence. The balance of herbs is nigh on perfect—not too pungent, not too bitter, not too floral (the occasi [...]

2018-01-10T16:33:29-05:000 Comments

Farfalle with Fresh Peas and Zucchini

Pasta, fresh peas, and lashings of grated cheese…that’s the kind of supper you want on an evening when the rain blows in and brings with it a 20-degree temperature drop at th [...]

2018-01-10T17:44:07-05:000 Comments

Savory French Toast Tartines

It has been a busy couple of weeks since I was last able to shop for food. Good-busy, with lots of eating out and seeing friends, but bad-busy in the sense that a lot of food [...]

2018-01-11T05:05:17-05:001 Comment

“Pièce de Résistance” Artichokes

An 80-year-old neighbor in Cancale introduced me to a revolutionary concept: Eating a whole, steamed artichoke as a main course, not just an appetizer. We were chatting about [...]

2018-01-11T05:09:39-05:003 Comments

Wild Garlic Spanish Tortilla

How can so few people in Brittany (or at least my part of Brittany) know about three-cornered leeks? Until my recent (as in, 2 minutes ago) internet search I’ve been calling [...]

2018-01-11T16:37:20-05:001 Comment

Chicken Pot Pie

I have been disappointed with the chicken pot pies I’ve eaten ever since the Miller and Rhoads Tea Room in Richmond Virginia began its slow slide into oblivion in the 1980’s. [...]

2018-04-07T07:42:11-04:004 Comments

Brunswick Stew

Brunswick Stew and I go way back. Not as far back as the days when cooks added squirrel to the is-it-Georgian, is-it North-Carolinian, is-it-Virginian Southern stew, but far [...]

2021-04-19T01:18:17-04:000 Comments
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