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My favorite way to serve scallops: easy, elegant, and the mild acidity of the leeks brings out the natural sweetness of the scallops.

main dishes

Seared Scallops on a Bed of Warm Leeks

The  leeks can be 'fancied up' by sautéing them with finely diced preserved lemon then folding in chopped, smoked duck, sizzled chorizo, or even crab. 4 medium-sized leeks 6 [...]

2021-04-15T10:34:27-04:001 Comment

Prasopita (Spanakopita with Leeks)

Here’s a new Greek food term for you (well, for me): Prasopita. Leek (praso) pie (pita). I found it while googling ‘spanakopita with leeks’—which is what I’d just made using [...]

2021-04-19T14:11:58-04:000 Comments

Brunswick Stew

Brunswick Stew and I go way back. Not as far back as the days when cooks added squirrel to the is-it-Georgian, is-it North-Carolinian, is-it-Virginian Southern stew, but far [...]

2021-04-19T01:18:17-04:000 Comments
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